Rex Blair
Lay Elder & Vice Chair
Rex grew up in Arlington, Texas, as a preacher's kid and moved to Tallahassee, Florida, where his dad founded a new church. He served in the Marine Corps from 1970 and married his wife, Charlene, a few years later. Rex earned his Bachelor of Science degree from Florida State University. He spent 34 years in sales with the Loreal Corporation as a business consultant until he retired in 2021. Rex and Charlene are blessed with three children and 10 grandchildren, whom they love spending time with. They've been members of 5 Bridges since the fall of 2019. Rex shares this about his life verse, Matthew 22:37–40: "My whole desire should be to please my Lord and Saviour with my life. It also gives me direction as to how I serve and protect the church members here at 5 Bridges. If we can extend this love to the community around us, God will bless us."