1 Timothy 4:13 | God-Centered Worship

As we continue through the pastoral epistle of 1 Timothy, we have been studying different qualities that the Bible outlines that pastors should possess. Today, we are taking a look at the qualities that should mark worship within a true biblical church. Join Dr. Ethan Jago as he exposits through 1 Timothy 4:13.

Key Takeaways

  1. God Centered Worship is Diligent

  2. God Centered Worship is Centered

  3. God Centered Worship is Principally Driven

    Three items for corporate worship

    1. Read

    2. Exhort

    3. Teach

    “Regulative Principle of Worship”-meaning corporate worship is to be done in a specific biblical manner.


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1 Timothy 4:12 | What Should I Look For in a Pastor?