Sunday Sermons

Ecclesiastes Grace Shaffer Ecclesiastes Grace Shaffer

Ecclesiastes 10:11-11:10 | How to Make Wise Decisions

We all make decisions. And at some point in your life, you will probably be confronted with the age-old question: what is God's will for my life?

In Ecclesiastes 10:11-11:10, Solomon outlines pieces of wisdom that can help you avoid making foolish decisions and live out a happy and contented life that glorifies God.

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Ecclesiastes Grace Shaffer Ecclesiastes Grace Shaffer

Ecclesiastes 9-10:10 | Wise Living When Facing Difficult Times

When things don't go right in your life—expectations aren't met, unqualified leaders assume authority, unpredictable bosses come into your life—how do you respond? Solomon expertly compiles metaphors to help us grasp how we are to properly conduct our lives even when folly runs rampant throughout the world. Join Dr. Ethan Jago as he exposits through Ecclesiastes 9-10:10.

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Ecclesiastes Grace Shaffer Ecclesiastes Grace Shaffer

Ecclesiastes 6:1-7:12 | The Steady Discipline of Our Desires

When that unexpected diagnosis comes or you receive a phone call that shatters your world—how should we respond to difficult seasons in our lives?

As we continue in our Ecclesiastes study, Solomon poignantly reflects on how we are to embrace the enjoyment God has given us and how we are to respond even as trials take hold of our lives.

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Ecclesiastes Grace Shaffer Ecclesiastes Grace Shaffer

Ecclesiastes 3:1-15 | The Mystery of Human Life

Why do bad things happen to good people? Why do we experience evil in this world? Why is life so unfair?

As we continue in the book of Ecclesiastes, Solomon turns from musing on how the world and its systems are full of fleeting vanities to how Yahweh creates beauty out of all seasons. Join us as Dr. Ethan Jago exhorts that while we as humans may experience the wide scope of human emotion—triumphs, joys, conflict, and despair—God's sovereignty comforts us in the midst of life's most perplexing questions.

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