Ecclesiastes 7:13-29 | Wisdom, Humility, and Humbleness

Threaded throughout this book of Wisdom Literature, Solomon discloses a theme on how we can walk through this life with wisdom, humility, and humbleness. In Chapter 7, he explicitly outlines elements on how and why we should pursue these three characteristics.

Join Pastor Jago as he encourages not to look to those who might seem successful at the moment and not to assume our self-righteousness will save us from the world's hardships as we continue in our study through Ecclesiastes.

Key Takeaways:
1. The Sweetest Comforts Become Our Deepest Afflictions
Ecclesiastes 7:13-14

2. Be Humble In How You View Yourself
Ecclesiastes 7:15-18

3. A Life of Wisdom Provides Perspective
Ecclesiastes 7:19-26

4. Wisdom, Humility and Holiness Will Protect You
Ecclesiastes 7:26-29



Ecclesiastes 8 | The Tranquility of Living in View of Eternity


Ecclesiastes 6:1-7:12 | The Steady Discipline of Our Desires