Sunday Sermons
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | The Evangelistic Prayer
As we continue with our 1 Timothy series, we turn to chapter 2 where Paul outlines the practicalities of living out sound doctrine.
1 Timothy 1:18-20 | Fighting the Good Fight
As false teaching pervades, Paul exhorts Timothy to fight the good fight—a command that still applies to us believers today.
1 Timothy 1:12-17 | Understanding Grace
What is grace? Grace is one of the cornerstone concepts of the Christian faith, yet there is often an ambiguity surrounding what grace actually means.
1 Timothy 1:7-11 | What Is the Purpose of the Law?
After salvation, do we revert to seeing how closely we can follow the law? Or do we dismiss it altogether? As New Testament believers, how do we interact with the law today?
1 Timothy 1:5-7 | The Effects of False Teaching
False teaching pervades the Christian sphere. But how do you identify it?
1 Timothy 1:5 | The Goal in Enforcing Sound Doctrine
Last week, we took a look at what must be the standard for solid biblical doctrine.
This week, Dr. Ethan Jago turns to the practicalities of why pastors and Christians alike are responsible for enforcing sound doctrine. Join us today as we delve into 1 Timothy 1:5, noting how we can live out our Christian life with "a pure heart, a good conscience, and unhypocritical faith."
1 Timothy 1:1-4 | The Standard of Christian Doctrine
How can we differentiate good doctrine? Is there a standard, or is it left to one's opinion?