Sunday Sermons
Ecclesiastes 2 | The Emptiness of Having Everything
Solomon explores several avenues of pleasure—alcohol, laughter, even wisdom—to the fullest extent in search of deep purpose.
Ecclesiastes 1:1-18 | The Source of Meaning
Welcome to our Summer Series through the book of Ecclesiastes.
Identified as Wisdom Literature, Ecclesiastes can be viewed as slightly depressing if one takes it at face value. However, this book is full of answering life's deepest questions, encouraging our hearts to hunger for eternity.
1 Timothy 3:14-15 | The Church as a Spiritual Reality
What is the Church?
Who is the Church?
Why does the Church exist?
How can we identify a healthy church?
1 Timothy 3:8-13 | The Biblical Model for Church Leadership
Are there distinct qualifications and standards for biblical leadership? Often in today's world, leaders within the church are determined by their charisma, charm, and ability to move a crowd. However, the Bible clearly outlines qualifications of a church leader including qualities that every Christian should emulate.
1 Timothy 3:1-7 | Men’s and Women’s Roles in the Church Pt. 2
Continuing our two-part message, 1 Timothy 3 opens by specifying what biblical masculinity looks like. While Paul outlines qualifications of men who "aspire to the role of overseer," the passage also includes principles and characteristics a godly man should model.
1 Timothy 2:8-15 | Men’s and Women’s Roles in the Church Pt. 1
There is often confusion as to what roles men and women play within the church context. Paul brings clarity by defining biblical masculinity and femininity within these verses.
1 Timothy 2:1-7 | The Evangelistic Prayer
As we continue with our 1 Timothy series, we turn to chapter 2 where Paul outlines the practicalities of living out sound doctrine.
1 Timothy 1:18-20 | Fighting the Good Fight
As false teaching pervades, Paul exhorts Timothy to fight the good fight—a command that still applies to us believers today.
1 Timothy 1:12-17 | Understanding Grace
What is grace? Grace is one of the cornerstone concepts of the Christian faith, yet there is often an ambiguity surrounding what grace actually means.